We have been busy lately. All of these releases have come out in the last two months or so. We are expecting a few more, including Nucular Aminals self titled debut on the label as well as well Mangled Bohemians’ Degeneration. Also in the works is a special limited release with Derek M. Johnson and Rachel Carns of The Need performing a live improvised score to the silent film classic, The Phantom of the Opera. Stay tuned for these exciting releases… and also if you would like to catch up with The Need and Mr. Johnson, they will be playing a special one time only concert Friday December 12th at Gallery 1412 – make sure to catch them! More on this later!
Paintings For Animals – Cistern Air [AR023]
buy now
Dokuro – The Black Room
[AR020] buy now
L.A. Lungs – Most of the Time We Do Not Realize that We Are Shedding Our Skin [AR018]
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